Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bulan Kepasrahan Dan Surat Untuk Boss

Macam-macam jadi bulan ni. Bukan la salah bulan pun. Dah benda nak happen, so aku kepasrahan dalam keterpaksaan. Bermula dengan macam2 working matters terjadi kat office. Lepas tu ditambah pulak incident2 yang 'owh what the fish!!!'.

Spek mata aku jatuh dalam lubang jamban...ieewwwwww!! Pastu handbag pulak koyak. Selang beberapa hari, tali kasut pulak putus...cet! Hari Ahad lepas pi amik handphone baru, ada pulak defect kat handphone tu...hawau tol!! Nak hantar untuk repair, dia kata after a month baru siap. Walaweiiii...terputus la hubungan aku ngan duniawi nanti. Pikiaq punya pikiaq punya pikiaq, since warranty dia setahun, aku pasrah je lah. Pakai je la dulu. Lagipun hati meloncat2 nak pakai handphone baru...wahhhhh!!! Alang2 nak hantar repair baik aku jahanamkan betul2 dulu kan? Mana la tau, untung sabut timbul...dapat new set! Auwwww...

gambar sekadar hiasan.
Dear Boss,

With regarding to the above statement, would appreciate if you could release my salary earlier than usual. It will be additional great if you give me 30% salary increment starting from this month period (see I don't ask too many, boss). Other than that, as you may aware, I had bought a new handphone. It will be glad if you could consider to provide me with the phone allowance. As I am very considerate person, RM150/month would be fine.

Boss, thank you in advance for your kind consideration and your co-operation is highly appreciated!

-The most 'hardworking cum trustworthy' staff-

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